Atlantic Sapphire & Billund Aquaculture
Rotek has through Billund Aquaculture supplied a number of components to Atlantic Sapphire's Bluehouses in Miami and Hvide Sande.
Atlantic Sapphire is renowned for their unique and innovative recycling aquaculture technologies that set a very high standard of efficiency and sustainability. The Miami Bluehouse ™ in Florida is the world's largest onshore salmon farm with a capacity of 90t of salmon per year.
Billund Aquaculture, who are experts in RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) and recognized for designing, projecting and constructing high-tech fish farming facilities worldwide, have partnered with Atlantic Sapphire on the Bluehouses ™.
For Miami Bluehouse ™, through Billund Aquaculture, Rotek has supplied 60 tanks for process water and aeration with 2-part lids and 30 aeration manifolds. The tanks are Ø2310mm and H3210mm. Everything is designed and manufactured specifically for the project and all components are made 100% in PE, which makes them perfect for use in saltwater applications.
For Atlantic Sapphire's Bluehouse ™ Denmark in Hvide Sande, which also serves as a development and innovation center, Rotek has supplied 400m specially designed filters for seawater intake.
HDPE has become the preferred material of choice for building RAS fish farming systems. Rotek offers both custom and standard components of PE for aquaculture, including tanks, valves, aeration systems, manifolds, filters, pipes and fittings. We are highly specialized in plastic processing and have an advanced and versatile machinery park, which among other things. Includes +10 CNC controlled lathes, cutters, welding equipment and custom-built machines. As we develop and manufacture components for aquaculture, we pay particular attention to the fact that the products must be flexible and with minimal, welded, glueable joints and with seamless connections, suitable for easy on-site mounting and compatible with long-term applications in salt water.
For more information please contact Allan Holden,, +45 2484 4860.

Langsand Laks
In the spring of 2019, Rotek A/S has produced and supplied 400 meters of Beach filter for Atlantic Sapphire's new seawater intake in Hvide Sande. The filters are installed by Villy Poulsen A/S, a specialist in controllable drilling and recognized throughout Northern Europe for its expertise in horizontal drilling.
The filters are made in Ø180mm PE100 PN10 SDR17. Sliotted and mounted with two types of special filter tissue is done in our modern production in Sdr. Felding. Langsand Laks has had the seawater inlets in Hvide Sande installed in connection with Atlantic Sapphire Denmark's expansion of production from 800 t. of salmon per year, to an impressive 3,000 tons annually.
The investment in expansion of production reaches a three-digit million, expanding the factory by 4,500 square meters, which, when combined with the original 3,000 square meters from 2012, will have a total production area of 7,500 square meters when the plant is completed. This also means that the water capacity has increased from 5,0000 cubic meters to 15,000 cubic meters of water.
Although the expansion of Langsand Laks multiplies their salmon production, it is on a somewhat smaller scale than Atlantic Sapphire operates on their Miami Bluehouse ™ in Florida, USA.
Here production is increased from 8000 tonnes of salmon per year. per year to a capacity of around 90,000 tonnes of salmon annually within the next 5 years. This corresponds to just under a fifth of US annual salmon imports from abroad. For Miami Bluehouse ™, through Billund Aquaculture, Rotek has supplied 60 tanks with 2-part process water and aeration lids and 30 aeration manifolds. The tanks are Ø2310mm and H3210m. Everything is designed and manufactured specifically for the project and all components are made 100% in PE, which makes them perfect for use in saltwater applications.
For more information please contact Allan Holden,, +45 2484 4860.